As I write this biography of Dr. Frank Bernard Cross a year after his death, I wonder how best to portray the life and impact of this dapper man of relatively small physical stature and unassuming nature. Should I lay out his personal history, or describe his academic achievements and honors, or explore the impact he had on the State of Kansas, or detail the impact he had on people who had the great fortune to interact with him? What is the measure of a man? Perhaps one indication is that this article accompanies an entire issue of the Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science dedicated to him, and that it is being written on the tiny island of Saipan in the western Pacific, thousands of miles away from Kansas. Because Frank's impact was diverse, this biography will not focus on Frank's academic achievements, because they stand on their own merits, but rather touch upon a variety of the affects he had on numerous people.
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1 October 2002
Frank Bernard Cross—“[A] gentle person, whose thoughtful guidance has touched us all”
Kate A. Moots
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Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Vol. 105 • No. 3
October 2002
Vol. 105 • No. 3
October 2002